¡Optimiza el éxito de tu cosecha con
los productos de GERMEN BIOTEC!

  • Contains live microorganisms.
  • Phyto-stimulator.
  • Improves quality of the product.
  • Increase in number of fruits.
  • Increase in 10%-25% yield.
  • More vigor to your crop and better growth plant and reproductive bodies.
  • Eliminates high concentrations of salinity on the ground.
  • Contains live microorganisms.
  • Herbicide protective function, (easily combined with herbicides to make them "safer?).
  • Agronomic biofortifier.
  • Improve the level of zinc en los cultivos.
  • Compounds with antibacterial properties, antifungal and antioxidant.
  • Increases stamina to the attack of mites, pulgones, arañas rojas, moscas blancas, pulgones y nematodos.
  • Reduce infestation by nematodes and increase resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • Reduce the amount of sodium interchangeable, which leads to soil recovery.
  • Improves the hydration and conditioning the ground.
  • Promote the nitrogen release more slowly.

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